Where Do Hotels Get Their Beds?

The Answer Might Be Under Your Nose (or, More Accurately, Under You!)

Ever checked into a hotel and immediately flopped onto the bed, marvelling at its incredible comfort? “What magic is this?!” you might have wondered. Well, we’re about to let you in on a little secret – it’s not magic, it’s craftsmanship. And that craftsmanship? It might just be ours 👀

The Not-So-Hidden Secret of Luxurious Sleep: Hotel Contract Beds

At the epicentre of many a dreamy hotel slumber is what's whimsically termed a 'contract bed.' Now, these aren’t the kinds of beds you’d stumble upon in your average store. These are beds specifically designed for the commercial and contract industry, crafted to perfection, and, might we add, radiating a kind of luxury only royals used to enjoy. But why should royals have all the fun? Ever asked yourself, Why Are Hotel Beds So Comfortable? We’ve got some answers!

Why the Top Hotels Whisper Our Name in Their Sleep

1. Bespoke Brilliance:
Every hotel has its unique flavour and style. We get that. That's why we offer an unrivalled bespoke service. Need a quirky bed size? Or perhaps a mattress with dimensions that sound like they’re out of a fairy-tale? We’ve got you covered. It’s this kind of customisation that ensures guests drift off in a fairy-tale of their own.

2. Adaptable and Absolutely Fabulous:
From the charming B&B down the lane to the sprawling hotel chains that dominate skylines, we cater to all. One bed or a thousand? We don’t discriminate. Our range is perfect for anyone and everyone – from guest houses to student digs, hostels, and more. Curious about some of our unique offerings? Dive deep into understanding What Is A Zip And Link Bed?

3. Safety First, Always:
We ensure that every product is not just plush and perfect but also adheres to the strict BS7177:2008 regulations (Crib 5). So, rest easy, knowing you're in good hands.

4. The Special Touch:

  • 🤚🏻 Handmade in the UK: Each of our beds is a testament to British craftsmanship. Carefully curated and lovingly handcrafted, our beds have stories to tell, if only they could talk!
  • 🛏️ Luxury Fillings: We believe in living life king-size. Our luxury fillings ensure every bed feels like a hug, a really luxurious one. Ever wondered Why Are Hotel Mattresses So Comfortable? Our luxury fillings are part of the magic.
  • 🚛 Weekly Deliveries: Why wait for comfort? We promise swift weekly deliveries, so your dream bed is never far away.
  • 🔨 Made-to-Order Excellence: Every bed we craft is made to order, ensuring your unique needs are met to perfection.
  • 🆓 Free Delivery: Because we believe in spreading joy (and who finds delivery charges joyful?).

To Sum It Up...

So, the next time you drift into a dreamy slumber in a hotel, just remember – you might be snoozing on one of our masterpieces. And if you wish to sprinkle a little of that hotel magic in your own abode, you know where to find us to bring a slice of luxury home. Whether you're eyeing our fancy contract divans or the multi-functional Zip & Link beds, a realm of dreams awaits.

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